Complaint/Objection Handling

There is one certainty in sales and service and that is that you will receive objections from your customers. If you can learn to handle objections well you have the potential to increase your success in your sales role. This course will look at a simple process that will help sales people overcome the majority of customer objections.

Objection Handling

By the end of this 1 day course, you will be able to:

  • Introduce a 6 stage objection handling model
  • Identify the key elements of this objection handling process
  • Recognise what type of objections your customers give
  •  Identify how to overcome objections by using the model
  • Recognise the benefits of using this approach for both yourself and your business

Complaint Handling

By the end of this 1 day course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of customer care, defusing anger and building relationships
  • Use effective questions to fully understand the customers complaint
  • Listen effectively so you understand what you need to do
  • Structure your responses effectively
  • Ensure the customer leaves satisfied with the outcome